UK vs US Book Covers

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly featured hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, this weeks theme is anything to do with book covers. I originally wasn’t planning on taking part in this weeks top ten as I’ve done quite a lot of posts recently about book covers. But when I started thinking about what I could do, I immediately thought of UK vs US book covers! I’ve picked 5 US covers that I prefer to the UK edition and then 5 UK editions that I love.

US Covers:

1) And I Darken, Kiersten White.

I still can’t get over how beautiful the US cover is!

2) Eleanor and Park, Rainbow Rowell

Compared to the UK edition, the US one is so simplistic which I definitely prefer. The UK one just seems a little busy to me.

3) Heartless, Marissa Meyer. 

I was so disappointed when I saw the UK edition of this book because it’s nowhere near as good as the US one! There is another UK version as well but this is the version that I managed to get hold of.

4) The Thousandth Floor, Katharine McGee

There are no words for how much I wish I had the US edition.

5) Heroes of Olympus series, Rick Riordan

These covers aren’t too different but the US ones just look so much better.

UK Covers:

1) The Mortal Instruments, Cassandra Clare. 

This series recently had a cover change in the UK and I love them so much! Before, the covers were really similar to the US ones, I still have the old covers but I’m slowly collecting the new ones.

2) Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Laini Taylor

I read this book a few years ago and didn’t really enjoy it that much. I was planning on giving the book away but because it’s so pretty, I can’t! I am going to give the series another go soon so I’m glad I did decide to keep it.

3) Outlander, Diana Gabaldon

The UK covers for this series are some of my favourite covers ever!

4) Three Dark Crowns, Kendare Blake

Both of these covers are beautiful but the UK ones win for me because there’s three different ones, for the three Queens in the book!

5) The Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins

These covers aren’t really that different but I love the UK one so much.

I still don’t really understand why different countries get different covers, but sometimes it works out okay! Do you prefer US or UK editions of books? What are some of your favourites or least favourites?


4 thoughts on “UK vs US Book Covers

  1. This is a super random thing to have in common, but it seems like we have the same taste in book covers! I agreed with every single one that you thought was better haha. The ones you preferred just seemed classier than their counterparts, no matter which country they were from.

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