Top 5 Tuesday: Opening Lines

Happy Tuesday! This week’s theme is about our favourite opening lines, and I struggled so much with this topic. I’ve never really thought about opening lines, even though they are really important. I’ll definitely be paying more attention to them in the future though!

Top 5 Tuesday is hosted by Shanah at Bionic Book Worm, if you’re interested in participating or checking out Shanah’s blog, click here!


The list arrived after Sloane had been gone two weeks. 

This isn’t exactly the most exciting opening to ever exist, but I think that it sets up quite a bit of mystery, which is exactly the point of the novel. I remember thinking what list? Where’s Sloane? and I was pretty much hooked from then on.


Vlad Dracul’s heavy brow descended like a storm when the doctor informed him that his wife had given birth to a girl. 

I think that this is such a great line to open this book with – it really sets the tone for the rest of the plot.


Look, you probably bought this book because you read the blurb about how I’m an impoverished orphan and also at the heart of a national slut-shaming scandal, and you thought, ‘Oh great, this is just the kind of heart-wrenching tale I need to feel better about my own life’but seriously, you have to relax.

This is a very long opening line but it’s become one of my favourites. I knew from the minute I read that passage, that this book would become one of my favourites. You can really tell from this opening that the book will have a lot of humour and sarcasm.


We must, by law, keep a record of the innocents we kill.

This opening had me thinking so many things and I just couldn’t wait to read on.


I placed my thumb and forefinger on the icy flesh, spreading it taut above the breastbone as Uncle had showed me.

This is the first of many gory details throughout the book, and I think it’s a perfect way to open a novel like this.

What are some of your favourite opening lines?

12 thoughts on “Top 5 Tuesday: Opening Lines

    1. It really is the best, I couldn’t put Scythe down after reading the first line haha!
      The other book is just as amazing as the first, it’s become one of my favourite series!

      Liked by 1 person

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